
Group training program

“Duty of Care” is a responsibility that peacebuilders need their organizations to take seriously. The insufficient prioritizing of duty of care throughout the wider humanitarian world has led to #AidToo and the stories we read in the news of the suffering of aid and development workers whose organizations have failed in their duty of care.

Losing good people to the intangible hazards of peacebuilding is costly to your organization and also to the individual. As the saying goes: “If you think training is expensive, try ignorance!” Investing in your staff’s resilience skill set is an investment in your organization’s critical mission.

Pillars training in Herat - 2019


Improve the resilience of your teams

Peacebuilders today face incredible stress, difficult working conditions, and traumatic experiences. Pillars training modules are designed explicitly for peacebuilders and their organizations to improve their resilience against these occupational realities in peacebuilding.

While trainings are designed for small to medium peacebuilder or humanitarian groups, they can also be customized for support groups, faith congregations, and other non-practitioners looking to support the people they care about who are working in hard places. 

Our training program is comprised of varied resilience-related modules, which are the ‘pillars’ on which peacebuilders’ resilience can be solidly built. Our Pillars training modules are 100% customizable to your organizational realities and context, and our trainers and facilitators are both professional and empathetic to your goals.

  • Pillars can be helpful at any point in peacebuilders’ lives and careers. Whether for pre-assignment training, mid-assignment support, or post-assignment instruction, Pillars modules are adapted to your team’s needs. Length of time is flexible, usually between 2-5 days.

  • Groups/teams as small as 4-5, up to 25 people. Smaller groups are preferred due to the highly engaged nature of the program content and style. (Note: While Pillars training modules may include content about critical incidents and post-traumatic stress injuries, Pillars is not meant for individuals recovering from severe trauma or who have recently undergone a critical incident where proper debriefing intervention is indicated. Please review Petra’s Oasis program as an alternative.)

  • The Pillars curriculum includes, but is not limited to, topics such as:

    • Resilience

    • Self-Care

    • Trauma; Secondary Traumatic Stress

    • Anxiety & Depression

    • Grief & Loss

    • The Inner Work of Peacebuilding

    • Personality & Conflict Styles (for teams)

    • Managing Expectations & Emotions

    • Navigating Crisis & Critical Incidents

    • How to Develop a Peer Support Group

  • We come to you on-site or near your place of work, wherever is most convenient. In the event your group is traveling in Europe and would like to hold your training in Spain or elsewhere, this can be arranged, though lodging costs would likely increase program costs.