Dream Come True: New Petra Retreat Center!

We are thrilled to share some delightful news: Petra Peacebuilders is now operating a new retreat center on an adorable, spacious plot of land outside Málaga on Spain’s Costa del Sol!

It's true, you haven't heard much from us during Covid. That's because we've been working around the clock for many months to turn this...

…into this!


Why Is This New Center Important?

Our expanded new location allows us Petra's very own retreat & debriefing facilities for those we serve!

As we all emerge from a once-in-a-century global pandemic, a physical haven for connection, healing, sabbatical, and trauma recovery is more important now than ever.

Having our own place will now make our facilities accessible for low-income peacebuilders, and will also give us the flexibility to receive people quickly without having to rely on reserving external facilities in advance.

Petra's founder, Bianca Neff, has actually been cultivating the vision for a retreat center for almost a decade. The opportunity to launch out into this new site arose in a serendipitous way in early 2021, clearly showing that this is the way forward to enhance Petra’s long-term impact.

Meanwhile, we continue to be versatile in our offerings, which also include both international travel to serve folks in their context, and meeting needs online.

Resilience & COVID

The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought home to all of us the critical need for positive mental health in order to function in our daily lives.

Just imagine the need, then, for those whose lives and work were already extremely stressful and often trauma-impacted long before the pandemic. Peacebuilders deserve to heal and be strengthened in a place of their own where their unique needs are understood.

Can You Help Us with This Big New Project?

Please donate today to help us kick off with success! We need an immediate influx of $15,000 this summer from friends like you. If you've not given before, today is your day! And we really need you.

We are aiming to purchase solar power equipment as soon as possible. We also need to install a comprehensive drip irrigation system to keep things green and beautiful while conserving water. We have other infrastructure/building projects as well. A major portion of incoming funds will go to these eco-friendly needs!

Would you share your generosity with a gift of $100, $500, $1,000 or more? Or become a monthly partner with just $10, $20, $50, or $100? Monthly donations have a low impact on the wallet yet deliver the most sustainable impact.